In order to provide a service of exceptional quality to our seniors and individuals in situations of dependency, we undertake a careful selection of qualified and experienced caregivers, equipped with the most solid skills in terms of interpersonal skills. and know-how. This rigorous approach allows us to build a team of caring professionals, imbued with humanist values and deeply committed to their role of support.
FM RECRUITMENT exclusively selects candidates from rural areas who have business projects…
A leading tourist destination, Morocco has a pool of professionals in the hotel and catering sector…
Under the leadership of King Mohamed VI, Morocco has experienced unprecedented development of its infrastructure over the last 20 years...
In order to guarantee impeccable service to our seniors or people in dependent situations, we rigorously select…
Morocco has benefited over the last 20 years from an industrial acceleration plan, particularly in the automobile and textile sectors...
For decades, Morocco has pursued an engineering training policy recognized throughout the world. These talents whose diplomas…